Thursday, December 17, 2015

Dreaming About Peter Tongue

Actually, I was dreaming about the number 64.

I don't remember the details of the dream, but when I woke up the number 64 stuck in my head, and  when I found this interview later in the day with Peter Tongue I was struck by the cooincidence.

A perfect blend of spiritual teacher and scientist, Peter Tongue coaches with a system that helps people transmute and transform their restricted beliefs and emotional setbacks into an expanded awareness of balance, harmony and increased personal happiness.  He calls it "The Gene Keys."

The "Gene Keys" is a system based on the link of the 64 hexagrams of the "I Ching" and the 64 condons that make up your DNA.  "The Gene Keys" can show us how to respond to and navigate our way through our life events.

There were a couple of good "64's" in this explanation.  Spooky.  I was compelled to listen to the prerecorded interview between Patty Malek and Peter Tongue on Patty's show, "Soul Talk" to see if I was guided to it for a reason.  Peter was pretty interesting, and I learned a lot.

About 20 minutes in he talks about the bombing in Paris and how people reacted.  Even though       the bombing was meant to create fear and lock the city down in lower fear frequency vibrations, there was actually a wave of spiritual activation into higher frequencies.  People took advantage of the opportunity to grow, show compassion and love and support, and awaken into higher love frequencies.  According to Peter there were 785,000 people involved in the awakening; a very powerful global healing process took place because of this, which also created a wave of growth and healing in the planet.

You can guess what happened next: the history making climate talks in Paris - the Paris agreement on climate change - COP21.  The United Nations actually came together to find ways to relieve the global greenhouse effect.  Countries will aim to achieve carbon neutrality in the second half of the century.  They will gradually stop using the most polluting fossil fuels in order to reach this goal.

It's a great big step toward the healing of the planet.

I love the quote displayed on the home page of the website that explains the agreement, :  "Long live the planet, long live humanity, long live life itself."

Peter says that when we do our own internal healing, we are healing those around us, including Mother Earth.  "When we awaken, when we get into our inner work, Mother Earth is also benefiting and clearing all of the pollution and environmental stuff out of her body as well.  As we clear, she clears.

Just imagine, every time that you as an individual clear some emotional blockage within your system, you're doing it on behalf of everybody else that carries that same emotional blockage, and you're resolving it on behalf of mother earth herself.  So, when people say they feel helpless or hopeless and don't know what to do to help, all you have to do is go within and do your own inner work and you're helping."

This is how the "Gene Keys" system works:  There are two processes.  One is an evolutionary journey that starts with the base of the body through the crown.  The other is a spiritual download from the crown Chakra to fill every cell of your body with your higher self.  Because it is painful to try to load your higher spiritual state into a low vibrating body, the "Gene Keys" work to clear the low frequency shadows to allow a distillation process, a purification of the energy body, so that we can carry more of our infinite spiritual self in our physical form.  It's a double flow up and down Ascension process.

It also involves clearing ancestral traumas and wounds. So as you heal yourself, you heal your ancestors and your genetic history.  As we unravel our wounds our DNA actually shifts.  When you become aware of the repeating emotional patterns you can start healing those patterns.  When you unravel a core wound like that you can feel the physical changes and shifts in your body.  It's a permanent shift.  The natural conclusion is for us to shift into a higher frequency and become a collective loving humanity.

The "I Ching" and DNA connection is a pathway that leads through our DNA codes into the heart of who we really are and connects us to the planet and star system to which were were born.  There are 3 levels of sequences of interpretation that act as a Grail quest to find your true purpose.  Peter works to unravel the sequences to identify your higher self and live the life you are meant to live.

It sounds very complicated to me, and since I'm all about the simple way of life I think I'll pass on this process, but I will take a deeper look into this "I Ching"/DNA connection. There must be more to this than I'm seeing at the moment.  I think the real reason I was guided to this interview was the conversation about healing others by healing myself and the "aha" moment about Paris.

OR - it could've been an angelic message.  According to Joanne, expert and blogger on angel numbers, 64 is a message about staying optimistic and positive about my financial issues.  I was starting to worry that January would be a bit financially tight, but according to this message, I must stay away from the negative energies of stress and worry so not to tip my abundance scales the wrong way.

It could've been as simple as that.