Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I Must Be Crazy 1

Crazy me

I decided now was a good time to go back a little in time to explain myself and recount what has led me here, so you, the readers, can enjoy the mess I've gotten myself into.

It's really not a mess, just a wild ride of seemingly unrelated circumstances that are coming together to become a huge deal.  They are projects that I've started for fun but ended up being being more serious yet more rewarding than I could ever have imagined.  I am worn out and feel overworked, and I find myself asking the question, "Am I crazy to be doing this?" at least twice a week.  When my brain feels like exploding I ask this of myself almost daily.

The answer is always, "Maybe, but stopping apparently is not an option," because trying to imagine myself not doing all of this is impossible.  I started on a path where the journey is leading me who-knows-where, and there is no getting off.

So, I'll start at the beginning.   

In the Fall of 2009 I was working late nights at the television station, the shift was 7:30 pm to 4 am, and I found myself trying to stay awake.  I turned to You Tube.  Even though I started with cute animal videos (singing parrots are my weakness),  I found a cache of animated short films, (another weakness of mine) which I started sharing with my friends and family.

Night after night, when I found myself powering down, usually by 2am, I looked for another video to entertain myself with.  When I ran out of animals and animations, I started on exercise videos, thinking that a little workout would get the blood flowing.  This eventually led me to meditation videos because I figured I could use a little mind expansion, which led me to other mind expansion and life improvement videos. There is a lot of stuff to see.  I found myself totally impressed with the power of You Tube.

One night I saw a link to a website that promised to help me make a little money while helping other people.  It included a little e-book and access to an affiliate website filled with other people's e-books and videos that focused on educating and improving your life in some form or another, and I thought, why not?  I went home and bought it and set the website in motion.

The book was short, but suggested that writing your own e-book was a good thing to do.  The author also suggested that creating your own website was easy and fun and a helpful way to sell the affiliate website.  My worn out brain decided, again, why not?  I could use a little exercise in internet creation.  What would it hurt to educate myself?  It could be fun.

The next thing I knew I was writing a book.  I had some information in my head that I thought would make a good subject.  I had lived a pretty decent life and accomplished some interesting things, so I wrote it all down, organized it and did a little research.  Fast forward a few months and my first draft was born.  With the intention of saving up to hire an editor and figure out how to e-publish it, I piddled around with the book, tried to think up a good title and wondered about creating a book cover.  In other words, I threw it in the back seat.   As of this writing, the book is still not published, but stick with me, it's coming!

In the meantime I ordered a DVD/book set that talked about changing your subconscious programming so you could get past your blocks and make your life go the way you want it.   During the summer of 2010 I spent some down time reading and listening to the audio recordings, doing the exercises (it was a 4 week course), and telling myself , "my subconscious mind is my partner is success."  The course, if you're wondering, is Creating Power  by Kareem Hajee.  I didn't think I was accomplishing anything, but look at me now!

During all of this I never made one cent from the affiliate website.  I decided to take the next step.

I found a web site company that would help me set up my own site for a pretty small fee. I thought up a domain name, picked template and a website was born.  Soon I was making plans to sell my e-book, create a blog, feature some of my favorite videos and websites and tell some friends.  I spent the next month or so using up all of my free time playing with my new and exciting web site.  Woo, hoo, I could add a picture here!  Looky, I created a link to this web address, and created buttons that work, and found a way to include some You Tube videos!  I was in right brain heaven.

By the end of 2010 I had all of these new fun things to do, but didn't know what to do with them.  This was where I started to question myself.  I wondered if it was time to quit and get back to dealing with real life.

Then I stopped deleting all of the sales emails I was getting in my inbox and looked at some of them.

Big mistake?  Maybe.

Stick with me for future posts, where I'll continue the saga of Crazy Valorie.

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