Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Hooray For Hot Springs!

I met my cousin in Hot Springs, Arkansas and had a bit of dirty fun.

We spent 2 days digging through red clay to find quartz crystals with our name on them.

Pay dirt!

We had a blast.

It was an interesting trip.  We came separately - K left her husband in California, I left my dog in Virginia - and we met by accident in the middle of the airport in Little Rock.  I was thinking about K as I walked up the ramp from my plane, worried that I didn't have her cell phone number and I hoped that we'd meet up at the rental car counter within the hour.  I was walking briskly toward baggage claim watching the floor so that I'd not run over people's feet with my carry-on-with-wheels, when I looked up to see a familiar woman walking in the same direction from another gate.  We locked gazes at the same time, both equally surprised to see each other. 

And this was the beginning of a vacation that was meant to be.

Our flights to and from Little Rock went perfectly.  We had serendipitous meetings with total strangers.  We had lucky numbers reappear, specifically 13 and 777.  We had perfect weather that matched our wish list.  We never had a bad meal - even the eggs we bought to make breakfast every morning were the best I ever had.  We got along famously, never one argument about anything.  We had a great water view from our balcony and spent every morning and evening looking over the lake.  I was able to take advantage of a friend's time share and K took advantage of a family discount on the car rental.  We even had a brand new car - I was pulling plastic off of the seats and the back of the car, and it had that new car smell we all love.

The first two days in Hot Springs were hot and humid, typical Arkansas summer weather, so we sucked up the heat and explored the Hot Springs area.  First we took a tour through Garven Woodlands Garden, a beautifully kept woodland garden in the Ouachitas mountains. Even though we had to climb up and down the trails, the trees gave us some welcomed shade and a connection with nature.  After a long but relaxing walk we drove back to Hot Springs to explore the Bathhouse district, did a little shopping in the air conditioned stores and headed back to our rented condo on Lake Hamilton before treating ourselves to a great dinner in a local restaurant.

I can't remember what we did the second day, probably more driving around and shopping - oh, wait - we had lunch on the Belle Riverboat as we toured Hamilton Lake, a beautiful man made lake bordered by million dollar homes.  It was beautiful.  Then we went downtown for some shopping. There are a lot of local artists in the area!

The third day the weather became more friendly, less humid and cool, so we set out to Coleman's Crystal Mines where, for a measly 10 bucks a piece, we could spend the day digging around the cast-off piles of dirt and take home anything we could find.  And we found!  We kept digging and finding and filling the trunk of our rented car with red clumps of clay until we could take no more, then headed out for food.  We hadn't eaten or had anything to drink for hours.  We went to the first fast food place we saw, a Sonic, and had a meal fit for queens.  It could've been our hunger, but that was the best fast food burger I'd had in years!

K and I spent the rest of the afternoon outside our condo soaking and cleaning off our finds.  We felt like we had found a long lost treasure and were pleasantly surprised by the beauty of our bounty once we'd cleared off the red mud.  

We were so successful we did it again the next day, though that time we quit an hour early and headed  straight for our first Bathhouse experience at the Buckstaff Bathhouse - no appointment necessary!  Little did we know how well our attendants would get to know our naked bodies during our 3 hour bath and massage package.  Lots of steam, lots of water, lots of massage oil.  We closed the place down and went to dinner.

Hot Springs is famous for the thermal spring waters that rise to the surface from the depths of the earth at almost one million gallons a day.  After we pushed the native American population aside a couple of hundred years ago, people from all over the world have been visiting the giant and beautiful bathhouses since the 1800's, creating a healing center for any who could make the trip.  The history of this town is rich, and because the buildings are mainly marble and ceramic tiles, they are still standing!  The water is so hot, we have to cool it down enough to bathe in and its soothing mineral water is so pure we can drink it straight from the ground.  I drank a ton of it and did not die! Downtown Hot Springs is full of fountains, big and small, where you can fill your own bottles with water and take home for free, but you have to be careful you don't burn yourself.  There is no shortage of water or steam in this town!  For K this was a welcome relief from the drought conditions back home in Northern California.

The next day we skipped the digging, spent the morning cleaning out the trunk of our car and getting as much mud off of our crystals as we could before heading out to the post office to send the rocks home; neither of us wanted to carry the stuff home in our suitcases.  Rocks are heavy!  Lunch, shopping, dinner, condo on the lake.  A good restful day.

Our last day in Hot Springs involved a scheduled bathhouse/massage extravaganza at the Arlington Hotel.  We closed that place down, ate a late lunch, spent some time getting sound therapy at a shop to which we were recommended, shopped some more and headed home to pack. I had a clear vision during the sound therapy, which involved being surrounded by sound frequencies that promote healing, of Hot Springs turning into another Sedona, a town filled with energy healers and creative people.  Encircled by mineral springs, crystal laden mountains and natural beauty, it's a perfect place for some healing.

It was also a perfect girls only vacation, though K loved it so much she's bringing her husband back with her next year.  I'm going to recommend some cave tours that we missed this time around that look really interesting.  We were pretty close to visiting Hot Springs during the perfect time of year, but I think a week or two into October would be even better.  The weather would be cooler; better for diving deep into hot steamy things, and the plethora of trees would be turning into their autumn glory.

Our crystals are our gifts straight from the earth, untouched by any except our own hands.  Thank-you mother earth for your healing waters, your healing crystals, and the lovely, friendly people of Hot Springs.  It's was a dirty and clean and fun vacation - the most fun I've had in a long time!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

#Tweet For Good

We are a judgmental species.

When we see someone we don't like, we comment on it.  When we feel bad about ourselves we can't help but express our feelings.  Sometimes we project our self criticisms onto others to make us feel better about ourselves even though it makes the other people feel bad.  We might feel sorry for it later, but we can't seem to help ourselves.

I've hung out with people who spend their days gossiping about other people.  They laugh, rage, complain, and worry about the person they are focused on because they have pent up feelings about the way their own lives are going.  I've seen it in my neighborhood even though it's a great area full of people who share and help each other out with smiles on their faces.  There are some who stand outside, point at houses and comment about the people living in them.   It's really bad at work, where the building is full of unhappy employees and changing work conditions that scare them.  They probably don't mean any real harm, it's just that complaining has become a habit.  I can understand how they feel, I just wish there was a different way to make them feel better.

I can also understand the need to judge the people we know and are exposed to on a daily basis.  It's a coping method that helps us deal with the unknown.  We don't understand our friend, so we gossip about them with another friend, hoping friend number two can shed some light on the actions of friend number one.  

What I can't understand is the way people are spewing their angst and hatred onto people they don't know, especially via the web.  Modern technology has allowed us to connect with each other in wonderful ways, and what do we do?  We gossip, threaten, and rage over the dumbest things.  It's especially bad for those in the limelight.

We used to be able to have problems in private, worrying only about what our family and friends thought about us and having the gift of time to work out our differences, but now we have to worry about what the whole world thinks about us.  We tweet and vlog and email our opinions in the heat of the moment without thinking about what we are doing to complete strangers.  It's a test of how secure or insecure we are with our own identities; a test to see if we can accept and set aside our egos for the greater good.  Most of us fail.

The world is raging against itself.  Wars are being fought.  People are rioting.  Families are hurting their own, neighbors are feuding over things that don't matter.  And what do we say to each other to make things better?  What can we say?

What if we used Twitter as a tool to heal instead of a weapon?  What could we say to each other to make everybody feel better?

Being a student of Reiki, Ho'ohponopono, the vibration of Love, and the law of attraction, I've learned that words change everything.  When we choose our words for good, gifting compliments, forgiveness, and encouragement instead of complaints, hatred  and expressions of fear, we can shift the vibration of our and others lives from gloom to light - even if we aren't really feeling it at the moment.

Studies have proven that intentional thought by large groups of people can change whole environments.  The more people pray or meditate the same intention at the same time, no matter where they are in the world, the better the results.  It's called the Maharishi effect.  The most well known experiment was held in Washington D.C. area in 1993 by practitioners of Transcendental Meditation.  When the meditation group grew to about 2,500 people the crime rate in D.C. decreased.  By the end of the eighth week and the growth of the group to 4,000, crime had fallen by 24%.

Can you imagine what millions, maybe billions of people could accomplish together?

The law of attraction says that changing your intention can change your world.

Ho'ohponopono stresses the idea of expressing regret and love in a short prayer can change the outcome of any situation: I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you.

Reiki has the power to heal even if you don't believe it will.

 After a night, actually more like a week, of constantly hearing about certain celebrities getting hate mail and death threats via Twitter which did nothing more than make their lives even harder, I came up with an idea.

Why don't we use Twitter for good instead of evil?  

We don't have to pray, we don't have to meditate, we don't even have to mean what we say.  Our intention will do the work for us, eventually creating change in our own lives.

We should try a mass tweet.

Every day, when we pick up our phones to tweet or text someone, before we even start the conversation with our intended reader, we should type in "I love you," and send it out to the world.

For the next month, at least once a day, gift a little love to the world.  Whether you mean it or not.

Let's see what might happen.

Three little words.  I'm already starting.  I hope to start a movement of change.  It's so easy to do.

I love you.

Tweet for good.

Pass it on.

Friday, September 5, 2014

My Etsy Decision

I haven't been writing much lately because I've been reevaluating my projects.  They keep adding up, and even though I'm having lots of fun experimenting, I really needed to take a good look at them  and stick to a favorite few.  

I started a couple of years ago trying my hand at internet marketing and failed miserably.  I spent a lot of money and created a bunch of websites that accomplished nothing, helped no one, and led nowhere.  It turns out I'm a terrible businesswoman.

I tried my hand at becoming a coach of some kind, got certified and licensed and chickened out on selling myself as an expert.  I found a Reiki master and was attuned to a level two practitioner with hopes of starting a business working with animals.  I tried and blogged about all sorts of energy healing systems.  I created products and stored them in a box in my basement.  (In case you're curious, they are Law of Attraction magnets.)  I packaged them and have them ready to go, and all I have to do is decide what to do with them.

I wrote some books and self-published a couple, and I'm still working on a couple that I think will make good reads if I ever get around to finishing them. 

After some thought and experimentation and a lot of effort,  I came to a conclusion.  I have to make a decision and focus on something.

So I opened a store on Etsy. 

Ginger and her Bling
I like to make jewelry.  I like my dog.  I know that animals have energy systems like us, and like us benefit from energy healing.  I know that crystals aid in healing.  My dog, Ginger, was having a hard time getting over her fear of people, new situations, strange things in the street, and my bird.  So I started doing Reiki with her and made some jewelry from stones and crystals known for their healing energy and clipped them onto her collar.  This gave me an idea; these would be great for other dogs who need a little healing as well as a great addition to my Reiki practice, so I started making more.  I bought beads and crystals and started making pendants.  I created a label and packaged each pendant with a little explanation of what the stone does.  Now I have something else to store in a box in my basement.

I woke up one morning and realized that I could sell them, I just had to figure out how.  Immediately Etsy.com came to mind.  Open an E-store!  That will solve everything!

Ginger made a beautiful model
In a weird way it did.  Because of that little decision I now have GingerBling for my Pendants, am testing out my magnets with my cousin's coaching clients (yes, I have a cousin who is already a successful coach in the UK.  She was nice enough to carry a bunch back with her after visiting here recently with the promise of asking what her clients thought of them), and dropped Niche Builder, a great SEO system by the way,  with some of the websites that are doing nothing for me.  It's a hundred bucks a month I'm saving there - a loss to the internet world, a win for me.

I made Happy2beEarthbound my parent company and licensed it.  I revamped the site to showcase the things I decided to focus on.  I'm keeping FurryEarthlings to use as a blog site for my Reiki practice.  I'm keeping Happy-Earthling just because it has some good information and a good message.  I'm still on the fence about LemonadeThoughts, though; that was to be my coaching business site, but until I decide if I'd really make a good coach Lemonade Thoughts will have to stay on a back burner -  someday I'll have to do something with the workbook I created for it.  All of this is listed on Happy2beEarthbound.com.

The first thing I showcase on the Happy2beEarthbound.com products page is my Etsy shop, GingerBling, because it's my latest baby.

I've always loved shopping on Etsy.com.  It's a showcase website set up to sell the wares of creative people of all kinds.  The artists make and sell everything from jewelry to clothing to stained glass and furniture, and I even found a psychic who sold readings.  You can find some pretty well-made and beautiful things on Etsy.com and they make it as easy to buy a $2000.00 item as a $6.50 one.  It's visually attractive as well.  I found a perfect venue for my meager wares.

As I worked on my own Etsy site I discovered it was easy to create the pendants, a job to set up the description and sales price, and a pain to take a good picture of each one.  Etsy has an easy to-do process - all you have to do is follow the directions to set up shop and publish.  They charge 20 cents for each item and take a small percentage of the sales.  Easy peezy.

But like any perfectionist I find myself fussing over making it perfect.  I take pictures, try them out and take more.  I edit, reedit and start over.  I can create a pendant in 20 minutes, but it takes me all day to showcase it.  Luckily there are lots of people on line, including the kind people of Etsy, who have lots of suggestions and tips for me to try and become a better photographer.  Who knew I'd be training to be a product photographer?  It'll all be worth it when I start selling.  I hope.

Now my BIG idea is to make more pendants and find some stores who'll be willing to sell them in the real world.  This way I can build my Reiki practice and attract clients.  I'll have more to blog about on FurryEarthlings and can refer my clients to my Etsy shop.  Maybe I'll be able to throw in some coaching on the side.

I'm doing a great job of simplifying my life.

With any luck, the year I'm ready to retire I'll be able to quit my broadcasting job and be paid to be creative full time.  I like to dream.

And it's all possible because of Etsy.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Who is Zach Robin?

Upon waking one Monday morning some invisible person whispered in my ear a name: Zach Robin.

What, who? 

While I tried to become completely conscious and leave dreamland behind, I pondered the name for a few minutes, trying hard to make connections to the names Zach and Robin.  Except for the name Zachery being my brother's middle name, I knew no other Zachs.  And the only robin I could think of was one of the many that were outside on this rainy Spring morning working hard to attract mates, fight over territories and nest. 

It could've been the name of an native American shaman.  Maybe, maybe not.  I decided to Google the name and see what came up.

The first try brought up Zac Robinson, a quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals.  Hmm.

I clicked on "Zac Robinson Memorial".  It turned out to be a memorial foundation created in the name of young Zachery Robinson, a gifted golfer that died at the hands of a drunk driver in 2006 at the tender age of twenty.  "The mission of the ZPR Memorial Foundation is to provide College Scholarships, help fund Alcohol Awareness and Education Programs and provide funding to Organizations that promote the improvement in a community."

Something I needed to be aware of?  Maybe.  It is a good cause.  We'll see.

I Googled Zach Robin again and found several Zach Robbinses.  One is a writer with an account on IMDB.com.  One is a photographer and filmmaker in my area - more interesting.  One is a Creator of Things with a Twitter account.  There are 25 Zach Robbins professionals advertised on LinkedIn.  And there was a YouTube video of a 13 year old actor, Zach Robbins, talking about the Transverse Myelitis Foundation.  TM is a neuro-immune disease that causes paralysis in children, and his sister is suffering with it.

It was a disease I was not aware of, but coming from a family history of neurological disorders I was interested in learning more, but later. 

The question still playing in my head is this:  what is so important about the name Zach Robin?  Why was it whispered in my ear?

I waited a couple of weeks to see if anyone came to my attention named Zach or Robin or Zach Robin.  All I've been able to see is that the robin population is rising in my neighborhood. They are everywhere!  These little critters are staking their territory claims, their mate claims and their space at my bird feeder.  I'm finding them aggressive and a little mean.  It is that time of year!

Maybe I should take one home and name him Zach.  Or maybe there's already a robin out there named Zach.

Maybe not.

I'll just keep my ear to the ground and pay attention when Zach Robin finally shows up.  He must be important.  That invisible person seemed to think so.

Monday, April 21, 2014

My DNA and Jennifer Hough

Jennifer Hough said something that grabbed my attention, actually made me stop doing what I was doing and pay attention to the recording of an interview with Harrison Klein on his show, "The World Intuition Summit," that I was listening to.

Jennifer Hough (pronounced, Huff) is an intuitive author and speaker, founder of The Wide Awakening, and expansion coach.  She's an expert on DNA activations, using knowledge to turn on our dormant DNA. 
She says that we are now in a time where we no longer have to work out our karma - we can step off the wheel of reincarnation, complete the circle and advance to our next level of evolution.  We no longer have to try to make good the mistakes we made during our past lives.  We no longer have to dwell on the whys and figure out the fixes.

Jennifer says we are being prepared right now - literally in the last several months  - we are being given the opportunity to complete the circle of karma from our ancestry and from this particular lifetime because humanity in general is getting tired of the way it's been.  This present lifetime is a representation of every lifetime we've lived, with all of our interests, talents, issues, fears, mistakes and loves of our previous lifetimes, so we have the opportunity to work out everything in this present life.  It doesn't mean we're ascending, just that we step off the karmic grid and dance in the freedom of direct experience of the universe.  There's no need for fixing anything, no need for forgiveness or any kind of process of reconstruction, because we are already ready to move on. 

What rang true for me was the connection of this statement to an experience I had during a life reading almost 30 years ago.

The intuitive told me that I had already lived many, many lifetimes, and I didn't have to come back any more.  This could be my last human incarnation if I wanted it to be so.

At the time I was having a hard time with the difficulty of being me.  It was a daily struggle to appreciate my existence - not because anything bad had happened, only that life was really, really hard.  Being human, getting through all of the things we have to do, dealing with our physical limitations, everything we have to learn, create, be and do, is hard!  I was still on the fence about reincarnation at the time, but I hated the idea that I had to keep coming back to work out my problems; lifetime after lifetime of being born, growing up, being responsible for myself, and dealing with daily issues for years and years until I die of old age, or worse, a horrible accident or illness.  Finally being able to let go after a hard life only to start over again was a horrible concept for me.  I was tired of it, really, really exhausted.  When she told me I could be finished with all of that, I sighed a great big sigh of relief.

The good thing about what that intuitive told me was that it changed my perspective and I lightened up.  I could finally live a relaxed, enjoyable life.  I didn't have to worry anymore about making everything perfect.

I bandied about the idea that her declaration of freedom from the karma wheel was a purposeful ploy to get me to lighten up.  Then I played with the idea that maybe I just wouldn't come back on this planet, maybe I was ready to incarnate on another planet.   Maybe the human race just wasn't going to be around for any more incarnations.  Or maybe I was ready to live a few lifetimes as a rodent or something. 

But Jennifer had other ideas.  As we complete the karmic circle and raise our frequencies we are activating our dormant DNA to be able to be complete and fully human as we were always meant to be with many abilities that are so powerful we can create a Heaven on earth as it was meant to be.  As we literally embody the higher frequencies we "upgrade" all the abilities that we already have in other dimensional realities  into our full selves in this dimension by turning on our dormant DNA.  This is a little woo-woo, but interesting, and Jennifer says she has science behind her to prove it.

All I know is I don't have to come back in another life if I don't want to because I will have already met my obligations and reached my full potential.  I kinda like that version of my life reading.


Friday, April 11, 2014

The Angels Are Getting My Attention

I've been working on my angelic connection.

After signing up for a course by Darren Linton, a newsletter by  Alexandria Hunter, and trying some angel meditation audios by both, I've been halfheartedly trying to strengthen my connection and become more aware of my angelic guidance. I say halfheartedly only because I have so many things going on at the same time, I really don't have
the time to devote all of my attention to this one "task."  It's enough of an interest for me, though, to try.

One day during the first week of April I wondered how I'd know when my angel guides are talking to me - just a passing thought that I eventually forgot about.  Some time later, while watching TV comfortably relaxed on my couch, I realized I could hear in my mind's "ear" a little cow bell ringing.  Then suddenly the song "Ring My Bell," sung by Anita Ward, started to play in my head.  It didn't take long for me to remember my passing thought and realize I was being answered: You could ring my bell.  I'm not sure if the answer was for me to contact my angel by ringing a bell or  if I know when my angel is talking to me versus me hearing my own voice when I hear a bell.  So, we will see if I hear a bell ringing before getting a message or feel a guiding hand.

I decided that there was an angel trying to tell me something.

April 4:  I was working on one of my pamphlets for my magnet, "I Am" while listening to a recording of a "Create With Your Angels" course with Alexandria Hunter.  I was a bit distracted and was having trouble with writing the information I needed for the pamphlet.  I kept focusing on the recording and heard little bits of advice, such as looking for signs from our angels that prove that they are by our side; signs like finding a white feather, opening a book and reading something profound, or hearing a song that inspires you.  One of the things Alexandria insisted on was being open to receive the messages from our angels, because they are always there, we just shut them out.  I made a mental note to stay open and aware.

My pamphlet and magnet focuses on the importance of what you say after "I am."  I've created magnets to help people open their hearts and minds with a visual aid to Love, Prosperity, and a rewiring of their personal identities.  Every magnet serves as a reminder to take small steps toward raising your personal frequency vibration.  Each magnet comes with a pamphlet to explain their purpose and how to best use it, and it's been a challenge to condense the information clearly into each pamphlet.  I was working hard on "I am."

Paying attention to what you say after "I am" is very important.  Like a magic spell you cast upon yourself with every utterance, "I am" rules your life.  I wanted to get it right, so I put aside for a few minutes to listen to Alexandria.

After the recording was finished, I refocused on my pamphlet for a while, and finally decided to come back to it later when I had a better handle on what to do with it.  I silently asked for guidance and a little help, not really expecting a strong answer.  I knew more ideas would come later and I wasn't in a real hurry to finish it.

Later, after a night out with my friends, I was compelled to read a book I'd set aside for whenever - Beyond Woofs and Whinnies by Karen Wrigley, an animal communicator.  It was really time for bed, but I wanted to get started on the book for some reason.  I needed some time to digest my late night meal anyway, so after I brushed my teeth I sat down and started to read.  I was quite surprised and amused by what I found.

The book was better than I'd expected.  I found out Karen had lived in my area for some time and was well known for her talent.  The book was really a journal of messages from several animals she had communicated with.  They were very deep and I didn't get very far to find one that seemed written to me.  It was the first message in chapter 4, Seek the Unseen, from an elderly long-haired dachshund named Tiggy.

"You see far, far less than what there truly is.  The ratio of what there is you don't see to what you do see is one trillion to one.  Go adventure, seek the unseen; the journey will bring great Joy and Love.

I AM Tiggy."

Holy moley.  I closed the book right there, amazed by the message.  On top of everything else, this is good advice, something I've been striving to do for years.  "I AM Tiggy," indeed! I went to bed with a smile on my face.

The next morning I went out with my dog to find a little white feather lying on the ground all by itself in my back yard.  It was fluffy and beautiful, a perfect white feather.  I couldn't imagine what bird had lost it.  When I picked it up I knew immediately what it was - a validation from an angel. 

Later that day I signed up for an audio package by Kelly Hampton, a channel for Archangel Michael, that included some tutorials on raising your vibration to make it easier to communicate with your angels, Star healing for animals, and a chance to get a personal angel reading via phone with Kelly.

To prepare for the reading it was suggested I raise the vibration of my home, or detox my space, and in the package was an e-book explaining what tools I needed to gather and instructions on what to do.  I needed some essential oils, such as lavender and frankincense, enough clear quartz crystals to put in the corners of my house, and a couple of high pitched tuning forks or a set of Tibetan Tingsha cymbals, used to attune the crystals.  I found all the tools in different on-line stores and ordered them, opting for the Tingsha cymbals because they were cheaper than the tuning forks. 

I  made an appointment for the reading and waited patiently for everything to arrive in the mail.  A week later things started to trickle in - the first to arrive were the crystals.  I bathed them in salt water and rinsed them off to clear their energies then set them aside for later.  The next to arrive were some essential oils.  I need to combine them in a spray bottle and "clear" the air in every room.  Luckily they smell pretty good.

 Finally the cymbals arrived.

Made for the special job of energy clearing and meditation, the two small bronze cymbals come together to create a clear, high vibration chime sound pleasing to the ear.  When I opened the package to experiment with them I held them over the crystals and let the cymbals tap each other.  It created a beautiful prolonged clear tone that I could listen to over and over again, "Ting!" I immediately made the connection:  "You can ring my beh-eh-ell, ring my bell." 

I knew I'd made the right choice.  

Someone really wants my attention.  I can't wait for my reading. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

British Sensation Michelle Carter

As I was listening to Michelle Carter dictate a low vibration energy releasing I found myself yawning and a little spacey.

I found her through Cindy Kubica's web show, Energized Living Today.  Though impressed by her soft British voice and her loving demeanor, I was not sure about Michelle.  Her focus was on releasing energy that caused blocks and addictive behavior and filling the space created with Divine Love, and I'd never heard of her before.

Michelle's story began when she finally got tired of a lifetime of poor health, poor working conditions and a failed marriage.  She found herself suffering from a debilitating illness and immersed herself in healing herself energetically.  Everyday during her illness she released any energy that was holding her back from her true purpose and as she healed herself she eventually became the person she is today - healthy, happy, loving, and an energetic healer loved and admired by many. 

It's interesting to me the differences I feel between the transmissions I have experienced with Mahendra Trivedi and his wife Dahryn, Panache Desai, Rudy Hunter and now Michelle.  Most of the energy transmissions make me feel a little like being on a good roller coaster ride.  I feel my body lighten up with the g-forces and my head and solar plexus start to float around inside as if I suddenly weigh less.  During the most powerful transmissions I feel a circular motion of energy that spins around my whole being.  Michelle's energy is much the same but with a bonus; she not only likes to clear out unwanted and unneeded energy, she likes to fill the spaces left behind with pure love energy.  I liken it to a wood worker filling in cracks of their woodwork with turquoise or some other gem.  the more cracks created in my energetic wall, the more gems are used to fill the voids. With every clearing I add more Love gem to my wall, eventually replacing the wall completely with pure love energy.  So the theory goes.

Actually, it feels more like a likelihood than a theory.  Each transmission is working on filling me with love energy.  My heart and mind is expanding with it.   Michelle warns at the end of her recordings that I might feel light-headed after listening, but I find that the light headiness actually starts within seconds and lasts for a few minutes after the recording is over.  Like a roller coaster ride that shakes up your sinuses, my head  swims with the motion of the energy flow.  I feel lighter for longer periods of time.

"Divine Love, please fill all space created to overflowing with pure love."                                www.pureloveforever.com

The other night I had an eye-opening dream.  I went on vacation with my parents, my brothers and their kids and found myself being left behind whenever they went out on the town.  I was filled with emotional turmoil.  Not only did I feel lost, left out, forgotten, and unwanted, I felt separated from the family collective and I was angry about it.

My real life was much like that:  even as a child I found myself standing in the sidelines repeatedly for many reasons - I was the oldest, the only girl, quiet and mindful, shy and copacetic, so I was frequently left on my own while my parents dealt with two wild boys and the hardship of living on a shoestring.  As I grew older, my family had gotten used to the way things always were and I stopped complaining, if I ever did, so nothing changed when my brothers and I became adults.  I eventually got so used to it I made it part of my personal identity.  I was the wallflower who had to find her own way.  I learned to become independent of the rest of the family and create my own life that may or may not include my family and friends.  I became a loner, comfortable in my own skin and capable of taking good care of myself.

I thought I had gotten over the original childhood emotional angst, but apparently I'd just pushed the emotions aside.  The message was clear when I woke up from my dream: this is something I have to clear in order to move on.  I need to release these emotional blocks and fill the space with pure love.

Michelle Carter might be the person to help me.  Certainly her clearings triggered the dream and the memories. 

I wonder what else my dreams are trying to tell me.