Friday, April 11, 2014

The Angels Are Getting My Attention

I've been working on my angelic connection.

After signing up for a course by Darren Linton, a newsletter by  Alexandria Hunter, and trying some angel meditation audios by both, I've been halfheartedly trying to strengthen my connection and become more aware of my angelic guidance. I say halfheartedly only because I have so many things going on at the same time, I really don't have
the time to devote all of my attention to this one "task."  It's enough of an interest for me, though, to try.

One day during the first week of April I wondered how I'd know when my angel guides are talking to me - just a passing thought that I eventually forgot about.  Some time later, while watching TV comfortably relaxed on my couch, I realized I could hear in my mind's "ear" a little cow bell ringing.  Then suddenly the song "Ring My Bell," sung by Anita Ward, started to play in my head.  It didn't take long for me to remember my passing thought and realize I was being answered: You could ring my bell.  I'm not sure if the answer was for me to contact my angel by ringing a bell or  if I know when my angel is talking to me versus me hearing my own voice when I hear a bell.  So, we will see if I hear a bell ringing before getting a message or feel a guiding hand.

I decided that there was an angel trying to tell me something.

April 4:  I was working on one of my pamphlets for my magnet, "I Am" while listening to a recording of a "Create With Your Angels" course with Alexandria Hunter.  I was a bit distracted and was having trouble with writing the information I needed for the pamphlet.  I kept focusing on the recording and heard little bits of advice, such as looking for signs from our angels that prove that they are by our side; signs like finding a white feather, opening a book and reading something profound, or hearing a song that inspires you.  One of the things Alexandria insisted on was being open to receive the messages from our angels, because they are always there, we just shut them out.  I made a mental note to stay open and aware.

My pamphlet and magnet focuses on the importance of what you say after "I am."  I've created magnets to help people open their hearts and minds with a visual aid to Love, Prosperity, and a rewiring of their personal identities.  Every magnet serves as a reminder to take small steps toward raising your personal frequency vibration.  Each magnet comes with a pamphlet to explain their purpose and how to best use it, and it's been a challenge to condense the information clearly into each pamphlet.  I was working hard on "I am."

Paying attention to what you say after "I am" is very important.  Like a magic spell you cast upon yourself with every utterance, "I am" rules your life.  I wanted to get it right, so I put aside for a few minutes to listen to Alexandria.

After the recording was finished, I refocused on my pamphlet for a while, and finally decided to come back to it later when I had a better handle on what to do with it.  I silently asked for guidance and a little help, not really expecting a strong answer.  I knew more ideas would come later and I wasn't in a real hurry to finish it.

Later, after a night out with my friends, I was compelled to read a book I'd set aside for whenever - Beyond Woofs and Whinnies by Karen Wrigley, an animal communicator.  It was really time for bed, but I wanted to get started on the book for some reason.  I needed some time to digest my late night meal anyway, so after I brushed my teeth I sat down and started to read.  I was quite surprised and amused by what I found.

The book was better than I'd expected.  I found out Karen had lived in my area for some time and was well known for her talent.  The book was really a journal of messages from several animals she had communicated with.  They were very deep and I didn't get very far to find one that seemed written to me.  It was the first message in chapter 4, Seek the Unseen, from an elderly long-haired dachshund named Tiggy.

"You see far, far less than what there truly is.  The ratio of what there is you don't see to what you do see is one trillion to one.  Go adventure, seek the unseen; the journey will bring great Joy and Love.

I AM Tiggy."

Holy moley.  I closed the book right there, amazed by the message.  On top of everything else, this is good advice, something I've been striving to do for years.  "I AM Tiggy," indeed! I went to bed with a smile on my face.

The next morning I went out with my dog to find a little white feather lying on the ground all by itself in my back yard.  It was fluffy and beautiful, a perfect white feather.  I couldn't imagine what bird had lost it.  When I picked it up I knew immediately what it was - a validation from an angel. 

Later that day I signed up for an audio package by Kelly Hampton, a channel for Archangel Michael, that included some tutorials on raising your vibration to make it easier to communicate with your angels, Star healing for animals, and a chance to get a personal angel reading via phone with Kelly.

To prepare for the reading it was suggested I raise the vibration of my home, or detox my space, and in the package was an e-book explaining what tools I needed to gather and instructions on what to do.  I needed some essential oils, such as lavender and frankincense, enough clear quartz crystals to put in the corners of my house, and a couple of high pitched tuning forks or a set of Tibetan Tingsha cymbals, used to attune the crystals.  I found all the tools in different on-line stores and ordered them, opting for the Tingsha cymbals because they were cheaper than the tuning forks. 

I  made an appointment for the reading and waited patiently for everything to arrive in the mail.  A week later things started to trickle in - the first to arrive were the crystals.  I bathed them in salt water and rinsed them off to clear their energies then set them aside for later.  The next to arrive were some essential oils.  I need to combine them in a spray bottle and "clear" the air in every room.  Luckily they smell pretty good.

 Finally the cymbals arrived.

Made for the special job of energy clearing and meditation, the two small bronze cymbals come together to create a clear, high vibration chime sound pleasing to the ear.  When I opened the package to experiment with them I held them over the crystals and let the cymbals tap each other.  It created a beautiful prolonged clear tone that I could listen to over and over again, "Ting!" I immediately made the connection:  "You can ring my beh-eh-ell, ring my bell." 

I knew I'd made the right choice.  

Someone really wants my attention.  I can't wait for my reading. 

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