Friday, September 20, 2013

Very Interesting!

I finally became a level 2 Reiki practitioner!

 Actually I've been one for a few weeks, now. 

I had two whole months to practice at level one before the new attunement, and I really needed it. I have to admit, though, I haven't been practicing much on other people, just on myself and a few animals here and there.  This short journey has been pretty interesting so far, especially after my advancement to the second level.

It seems the more I practice, the more energy movement I feel.  And the more I feel, the more I attract.  I'm meeting all sorts of interesting energy healers, including dogs, cats and birds.

The other day I thought it would be different to practice some Reiki while sitting outside on the porch.  I usually do it in my basement rec room, 40 minutes or so practicing the hand placement and feeling the flow, but the weather was so nice I had to go out and be with Mama Nature.  I got quiet and invited any critter in the neighborhood to join me for some healing energy.  After about 10 minutes of sitting still with my hands in my lap I looked up and noticed I had attracted a flock of migrating black birds.  I watched them fly toward me in groups of two or three at a time from distant trees in the neighborhood to roost in the trees above and around me.  I thought it a profound and grand experience until one pooped on me.

Back to the basement I went.

A month ago I had another practitioner work on me and I could feel her energy boost through me like a strong electric flow, occasionally making my legs jitter with excitement.  I was thrilled that I was able to feel it.  Years ago I'd tried a Reiki treatment and felt nothing, so I never continued with more.  I finally had proof that Reiki was real, and now I was ready to try more.

I worked with a visiting dog in a hotel room who's energy was so strong he made my dizzy brain see the carpet swim like an optical illusion.  I think heard a buzzing sound.  Even though he preferred to sleep through it in the next room, I left that night pretty high. I never knew a dog could give me a no contact high.

Hummingbirds snuck up on me to say hello.  One startled me so much I jumped, which startled him, so he pooped and flew away as fast as he flew toward me.  It never occurred to me that hummingbirds poop like regular birds, but of course they do.   I'm so naive.

I've been getting lots of love from cats.  Some of them talk to me as if I can understand what they are talking about.  Of course I pretend I do - what else can you do when a critter needs a sympathetic ear?

I've been practicing my level 2 symbols and long distance healing.  I found a Reiki for Dummies book and watched a number of You Tube videos and learned more.  I got a couple of energy tuneups from Panache Desai that left me feeling pretty good and ready for more, so I bought into a 21 day long tuneup.  I'm getting ready to buy my tickets to California to work with Kathleen Prasad for a weekend in November. 

What I find really interesting is the timing of it all.  I've been exploring energy healing for decades and had to search everywhere for teachers and healers, eventually traveling to Sedona, Arizona to find them.  I learned about all sorts of great New Age healing methods but never really could tell if I was able to do it or if it really worked.  I eventually lost interest and moved on to other things, like writing and on line marketing.  I did manage to collect some great crystals and minerals, but mostly because they are pretty. 

Along came 2012 and New Earth change theories.  People came out of the woodwork to talk about what they've also been doing for decades and they wanted to share, thank goodness.  I dived headlong back into the stuff and now I can feel the energy like crazy, thanks to Mahendra Trevedi and his transmissions.  Maybe I had cleared enough of my energy blocks to start feeling things, or maybe the planet is really changing it's frequency and helping things along, but I wish I could've reached this level years ago.   It's a good thing I plan to live a good 30 plus more years - it gives me time to get good at this stuff.  

I still can't tell if I'm accomplishing anything with it but now that I can feel it I can have faith that it's doing good things for me. 

At least that's what everybody is telling me.

Even if it isn't, it's still a wild ride.  And I plan to continue.

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