Thursday, March 22, 2012

Very Interesting (Mahendra Trivedi)

Very Interesting Indeed

   It's been a couple of weeks and I'm still drinking my Gano coffee.  I've been drinking the mocha version, but I don't think it's as good as the 3 in one, which is the cream and sugar.  The coffee works good in the morning; after I drink it I'm energized enough to get through the rest of the workday, which has been pretty lousy lately.  My day starts at 12:30 in the morning, and usually I've hit my energy wall at 9am, but with the coffee I've been able to wait until I get home around 1pm before the wall hits me.  An early "linner" (lunch/dinner), a cup of the rooibos tea, and I'm in bed sound asleep by 6pm.  

   It's a terrible schedule, but it pays. I'm lucky I only have to do it a few days a week.

   I've been working on the Furry Earthling site.  It's getting some good pages and I've added the twitter bird, but I'm having great difficulty getting the Facebook buttons on the site.  The same with the Happy Earthling site.  Some day I'll figure it out.  I've got faith.

   Speaking of Happy Earthling, you should see the comments I've been getting.  Somehow people from all over the world are finding the site and giving me some pretty good feedback!  I'm excited and scared at the same time.  From now on I'm going to have to be good at this stuff.  I'm happy, though, that I've got information that people want to learn.  I hope the pages help and entertain!
   Now for the interesting stuff.  I've had two energy transmissions, or blessings, from Mahendra Kumar Trivedi.  Every other week we, the clients and students, log into the webinar site to listen to a little lecture for about an hour.  Then we sit still, say a little prayer of whatever kind we are individually comfortable with, and Mr. Trivedi sends out a blast of energy.  I guess the prayers open us up to be energy receivers and the energy finds us.  All I know is that I always feel something happening.

Mahendra Trivedi
The lecture included information about what to expect after the transmission, why he started these transmission sessions and why people want them in the first place.  He said that people all over the world have a myriad of problems, physically, emotionally and spiritually, because they don't know their life purpose.  The transmissions activate our inner guidance systems to help us find our way, become happier and healthier and turn into teachers for other people who need to find their purpose. 

The first night I sat still with my eyes closed and took stock of any physical sensations.  At first I felt nothing more than a little tingling along my spine, but after a while I could feel something interesting happening in front of my face.  Completely different than the energy wind I felt when first I signed up, it felt like a little vortex was spinning in front of my face.  It was so close my nose and lips felt like they were rotating with the vortex.  Imagine you're about to get sucked up into a black hole -  It was kind of like that - I could almost picture my face being drawn into the vortex, the rest of my body ready to follow.  

   Just as I was really getting into the sensation, Mr. Trivedi announced, a little too loudly in my opinion, that the transmission was finished, and the spell was over.  Next thing I know, everybody was saying goodbye and I was left with my notebook trying to write down the experience.

   The next session was pretty much the same, except the energy transmission felt different.  This time I sat with my eyes closed and my hands on my lap, palms facing up.  For a while nothing happened, but near the end of the transmission I felt the vortex start up in my hands.  Imagine a soccer ball rotating above your lap; the feeling of the moving air  brushing past your palms.  It was as if I was holding the energy vortex, or a rotating ball of energy.  Very interesting sensation.  Again Mr. Trivedi abruptly ended the session just as I was getting into it and said goodbye.  By now, though, I was ready for the quick exit and held on to the feeling as long as I could before opening my eyes and clicking out of the webcast.

   So far the effect of these transmissions has been pretty positive.  Even though my work schedule is enough to ruin anybody's health, I've been able to get through my days without any disasters and always in a good mood.  You're told at the beginning of the call to expect some physical effects of the transmissions: your face shows a change; your skin starts to glow, your eyes sparkle, you start to look rested and healthy.  Your sleep cycle gets shorter because you sleep more deeply, and cell regeneration improves.  Last night a coworker actually commented that my face was different, and I never told her about the transmissions.  Even though I feel like I could sleep a week, I apparently don't show my exhaustion, and even with allergy season at such a strong level, I'm not feeling the effects like I was last year.

   I can't wait for the next and last session.  My intuition is supposed to get a good push and I'll be able to find what I need to take me to the next phase of my life.  Toxins are supposed to get flushed out better and once my connection to the power of the universe is strengthened the law of attraction will work stronger for me.  This is what I'm to expect, so I'll keep track and let you know if anything really changes for me.  I'm really curious to see what's next.
   If you're interested to learn more about these energy transmissions, to to 

  I've also been listening to the brain entrainment music and hypnosis-audios.  has a great selection of MP3 audios to choose from that will enhance your brain power one way or another.  I've listened to a few over and over; one is a financial abundance (of course) self-hypnosis + brain entrainment + music, one is for sleeping better (what crazy dreams this causes) with music, odd sounds and brain entrainment, and one is for attracting lucky circumstances.  The latter is a self-hypnosis audio to listen to while relaxing into a sleep state.  All of these are good for bed-time relaxation.

   There are shorter audios that I like to listen to when I wake in the morning, each a different frequency with music that's supposed to trigger different brain functions.  It's all been very interesting, but time will tell if I'm getting anything out of it.  There's so much to choose from on the Mindpower site, that it's hard to decide which to buy, so if you're interested in trying some out it's probably best to figure out what you want to accomplish, then get the audio that'll help you with your goal.  There's a sample radio for you to listen to some of the music.

   I just bought a program called Quantum Jumping that seemed different.  It's a system designed to get you plugged into different versions of yourself so that you can accomplish what you desire.  The theory is that there are unlimited dimensions of the universe, and each has a version of you that has already become who you want to be in this plane.  The Quantum Jumping system will teach you how to get in touch with some of those other you's to tap into their talents.

  We'll see.  I'll let you know what happens.

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