Saturday, July 7, 2012

Clear My Blocks (Simply Healed)

I Can't See Clearly

Darius Barazandeh has a web radio show called "You Wealth".   He's sponsoring a series of interviews with energy healers of all kinds, called the "Revolution Shift 2012" series, and one day I checked into an interview with Carolyn Cooper, founder of the Carolyn Cooper Simply Healed Method.  

Carolyn's method is an approach to healing that clears negative emotions in a non-invasive way.  She can intuitively connect with your energy, see where you've accumulated emotions and negative energy on a mental, emotional and physical level,  and clear it to let you move forward in a positive light.

Carolyn says we all have flaws in our ancestral energetic DNA.  It turns out we can carry negative memories and emotions for generations.  In other words, if your great-great-great-great-grandmother had a bad experience that she never got over, you could still be carrying around that emotional block for her, and that could be the unknown reason you can't get ahead in your financial life.  Add your ancestor's traumas to your own traumatic experiences that you've accumulated over the years, and you've got a soup of negative energy floating around you keeping you from achieving your dreams.

I found this an interesting theory, and I decided to test it.  Goodness knows I've felt some unknown force holding me back, keeping me from my version of financial and personal success.  For years I've searched for ways to clear my veils and blocks, and it seems like I'm buried in them.  I chip away and chip away at my marble walls and hope for a breakthrough; slowly but surely I make dents and sometimes windows in my wall and I can take three steps instead of two steps before I have to take one back.  It seems that my purpose in this life is to fish for energy healers of all kinds and bring them forward to chip at my wall with me, and I have to say it's been an interesting journey.

Anyway, since Carolyn Cooper doesn't do one-on-one healings anymore, I searched for one of her students.   I found Dr. Tera Maxwell, PhD, on her website, Pure Energy

 Through our emails I found out she lives almost an hour away from me in Annapolis, MD, and she could do our session over the phone.   I made an appointment, sent her my payment and called her at our scheduled time a few days later.  I found her a very nice, positive and energetic woman, and since her daughter was sleeping in the next room due to wake up at any moment, she was eager and ready to start the clearing.   I didn't mind, since I had my own "child" waiting for me upstairs.  My bird, Charlie, was itching to get out of her cage and was calling me during the whole hour's session.  She hated it when I was on the phone talking to some unseen person and would do anything to get my attention, so I had to leave her locked up in her cage.  Sorry Charlie.

 After some energetic searching and problem pin-pointing, Dr. Tera found my generational trauma, inherited from both of my parents.  Soon she was busy pushing through and clearing away the negativity.  She kept going back in time and found some "good" stuff on my father's side going back several generations ago.  Once cleared, Dr. Tera looked on my mother's side, and to my surprise found some negative trauma that had held on to my mother's family for 39 generations.  That's a long time to hold on to a problem.  She cleared it, checked my own background for other stuff and cleared that stuff out, and finally asked me how I felt.

I had spent the hour going through some emotions, looking for any physical reactions.  At times I was smiling gleefully, at others tears were on the verge of falling.  Some memories had surfaced that I knew needed to be healed and I'd told her about them, which she located in my energy field and healed.  Other than that I was feeling pretty good.  I figured it would take some time for me to see any improvement in my life and told her so.  We said our goodbyes at the end of the hour, and I continued my day; life went back to normal.

I noticed, however, that when I went to bed that night my mind seemed clear of my negative chit-chat.  My eyesight was even a little clearer.  It was the difference between looking through a dirty window versus a squeaky clean one.  In that way I guess my energy load was a little lighter.  Maybe I was seeing my environment through a clear energy field.  It never occurred to me before this that I needed to Windex my aura, but I guess we all should every once in a while.

It also makes me feel like a fish in a bowl.  If I have trouble seeing the world clearly, how do people see me?  I've had energy clearings before, and it did make a huge difference in the direction of my life path.  I guess this was a good lesson in making a conscious effort to clear out the crap every once in a while.  I do believe, like when I get my yearly physical, that I'm going have to call Dr. Tera for another appointment.

I'll let you know if anything else changes.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So have you experienced further shifts or a difference in your life after this session? Asking because I'm interested in having one... Thanks !

    1. I have. I attended a couple of Tera's group clearings via telephone for a pick-me-up and I believe it did create a shift. I'm became a Reiki practitioner to be able to do energetic work on myself, I was able to narrow my focus on what to do with my life and now I have easily reachable and worthwhile goals that I feel comfortable shooting for. Before my first session I was a little lost in the possibilities. It wasn't instantaneous, but the clearing did get things moving. You should try it!

  3. Thank you! I couldn't wait and booked a session for tomorrow :)We'll see...
