Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It's a Miracle! (Trivedi Effect)

Maybe, Maybe Not 

   I'm still waiting for my coffee to arrive.  I tried to drink cocoa for breakfast, but found that it just wasn't my cup of tea.  I finally just went back to drinking a cup of tea, Ceylon to be exact, because I like the smooth and even flavor and have been drinking it for years.  I found it a little boring after the thrill of a good cup of jo every morning, but I made it work.

   I experimented with my last two packages of Gano coffee by chilling  it.  I like a good glass of iced coffee in the summer and had to see if this could pass my coffee test.  It did.  Adding a bit of the cocoa and vanilla almond milk to make an iced mocha was a good decision.  I do believe I'll be drinking iced Gano coffee this summer.  There is a mocha version I could've used, but I like to be the master of my pallet and use almond milk to attain the flavor I've grown accustomed to over the years.  Plus, when you buy the plain coffee you get more to the box-30 packets to make 30 cups of coffee versus 20 packets in the mocha and 3 in 1 combo.  I'm frugal that way.

   I should catch you up on my energy transmission adventure.  It's been pretty interesting, at least to me.

Trivedi Master Wellness
I finished up my three original calls on March 27 with less than a bang.  After listening to the same sales pitches from the commentator for the Trivedi Foundation seminars and a little teaching session from Mahendra Trivedi about the benefits of the energy transmissions, we said our  silent prayers and waited for the energy shift.  Unlike the last couple of sessions, I felt next to nothing, which doesn't mean something didn't happen.  

   I did feel a bit of pressure in my head and body, like the feeling you get with the atmospheric pressure changes before a storm, but that was all.  I wondered if I had missed something, but chances are it was just a matter of differences in the transmission itself.  You can never expect anything when it comes to energy.  You get what you get when you get it.  

   So I chose to believe that I received the blessing and will see the results later.  Then I went to to buy a case of Trivedi charged water.  Forty bucks for a case of bottled water was pretty steep, but I figured it was for the foundation.  What the heck.  While I was buying it I listened to Mr. Trivedi talk about his new wife, Dahryn, and how she was now transmitting the cosmic energy.  He seemed pretty proud of her. He said her energy transmissions were touched by her female energy, which made it more tuned for the women of the world.  She was now setting up her own transmissions for the public, so if we wanted we could sign up for more transmissions through her.  I decided to think about it.

Much better pic of Mahendra Trivedi
   What I did do was sign up for 6 monthly tune-ups from Mahendra Trivedi.  The first Sunday of every month I need to tune in to the webinar and get a more intense transmission.  The more connected I get to the cosmic power of the universe and the "god of my understanding" the better I'll be when it comes to living an abundant life.  And the money is for the foundation.  What the heck. 

   A couple of weeks later I got an email from the Trevedi Foundation announcing a one-time-only discount for a transmission from Dahryn Trivedi, her first public one.  She'd been in training and had practiced with one-to-one blessings, and was ready to try for a mass transmission.  I thought about it and finally signed up.  It was a good opportunity to compare the differences between the mister and missus.  

   Dahryn had an interesting story.   As a child she always knew she was different and had a more spiritual connection than the people around her.  Her parents were supportive and protective of her, and when she was approached by Mahendra Trevedi they were skeptical about the match at first.  But he won them over and was able to help Dahryn hone her talents and become a master "transmitter".   

   Her sales pitch is that she can help women attract love and a soulmate as well as connect us to the "god of our understanding".  I really wasn't that interested in finding my soulmate, but my curiosity was piqued about her version of the transmission event.  I wasn't disappointed:  They used a female commentator on a video webinar, versus Mahendra's which is male commentated and an audio presentation with a slide show.  Dahryn's parents were also with her.  They supported her decisions and seemed happy about her new role in the world.  There was a little interview, some talk about how Dahryn was having some emotional difficulty with everything, and how her world has changed since meeting Mahendra, but she was determined to follow through with her new life.

   I felt a little sorry for her, as she seemed to be too young to know much about love and already had the weight of the world on her shoulders, but I waited her out to see what she had.

   When we finally had the transmission, which was carried out much like Mahendra's, I sat quietly with a prayer, then emptied my mind near the end.  I was a little disappointed to note that nothing was happening.  There were comments from other listeners that they did feel something, but it was a very gentle sense of energy, and everyone thanked her for her wonderful blessing.  I turned off my computer after all of the goodbyes and went to bed.  Again I felt I missed something, but was glad to have shown my support for the newbie.

The morning brought a little surprise, though.  I actually felt a bit queasy, one of the after-effects I was supposed to have felt with Mahendra's transmissions.  It was an interesting feeling.  My queasiness seemed to come from a deeper place than my stomach.  It wasn't quite physical yet I felt it in the physical.  I could only conclude that it was my solar plexus chakra that was affected, that center that governs self esteem, fear responses and personal power; all those issues that plague most women.  Hmm.

   Here's a nice site to educate you more about your solar plexus chakra:

   So far I've seen no miracles, just some fun times.  We'll see what the next 6 months will bring.  Until then I still have my Quantum Jumping lessons to get through.  But that's another interesting story. 

   Dahryn is now selling skin care products blessed with her transmissions.  Check out her site and her gorgeous picture at



  1. Nice!? Read reviews and testimonials and know more about here:

    1. Thanks for the review. It made me go back and update the post. I didn't realize there were a couple of defunct site connections. The Trivedi's are an interesting couple and I'd like to someday meet them in person.
